Coffee and Cake

Coffee and Cake is unique among Creativities sessions in that its not really one at all! Coffee and Cake was set up when staff from other Creative Support services told us that they struggled to find places to take clients with multiple and complex needs because of the reactions they sometimes got from members of the public. The clients loved going and sitting in a coffee shop, having a drink and watching people go by, but staff told us they often got rude comments and funny looks directed their way. So Creativities decided to set up its own coffee morning!

Coffee and Cake gives all our clients – and many Creative Support clients who don’t come to Creativities at all – a chance to get together, have a natter, and enjoy a homemade cake for only £2. No initial assessment from Yvonne or funding agreement, anyone can pop in on a Wednesday 11am-12. Its a good opportunity for people thinking about starting at Creativities to come along, get to know some of the clients and staff, and get a feel for the environment before they start.